Film star Abhishek Bachchan will don a silver and gold peacock sherwani at a show Tuesday evening by designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla at Jaipur in a special
event depicting the grandeur of the old city.
Abu-Sandeep have often travelled to Jaipur in the last 20 years and have been inspired to create beautiful collections by the grandeur, architecture and colours that are
integral to Rajasthan.
In the past, too, they have created a special architectural line inspired by the city.
"The city of Jaipur with its magnificent architecture, colour and grandeur has been an inspiration for us not only for the pink city collection, but also for our collections in the
past," Sandeep Khosla tells over the phone from the Rajasthan capital.
"We are delighted to showcase our creations at the Jaipur festival. We travel here frequently and are quite stunned by the warm reception we are receiving from the folks
here. We hope to add colour to the evening as Rajasthan has added to our collections."
The duo has been invited by the government of Rajasthan to show their collections at the Jaipur Festival.
As a part of the celebration the designer duo have designed a special line commemorating the beauty of Jaipur called The Pink City collection.
The collection is a line of garments in different shades of pink inspired by the beautiful city of Jaipur. Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla have specially designed and embroidered
exquisite art pieces and 'chaddars' (wall hangings) detailing life in Rajasthan.
Abu Sandeep will also show other collections such as 'Raaga', 'Rung', 'Jamewar', 'Naqsh', 'Sequence Kilm', 'Chikan', and 'Sheesha'.
During their career Abu-Sandeep have often travelled to long-forgotten regions and villages in search of old craftsmanship. One such transformation is the line of 'Sheesha'
(mirror work) originating from Rajasthan.
Mirror-work as an embroidery form is integral to decoration in Indian villages. It is the art of imprinting tiny pieces of mirror glass, cut into shapes of petals and leaves, which
are then blended to a shimmering delicacy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 16:01 IST