It was a gathering of India's top celebrities but Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan stole the limelight from most others at the Padma awards investiture on Monday at the
Rashtrapati Bhavan.
The only time he got any reprieve from signing autographs was while receiving the Padma Shree from President APJ Abdul Kalam.
From the time he took his seat among award winners, 'King Khan', attired in a crisp black suit, became the focus of camera crews positioned across the opulent Durbar Hall
of the presidential palace.
The cameras chased him as he got up to rescue his wife Gauri - dressed in an electric blue designer creation - from the backseats to the front rows along with
External Affairs Minister K Natwar Singh was among politicians who greeted Shah Rukh, while others mobbed him for autographs.
He courteously greeted Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and cabinet ministers attending the function.
"Wonderful, I feel just wonderful," he said with a set smile, patiently answering the oft-repeated media query about how he felt. "I am thrilled."
"I need to work harder to be deserving of this award..."
But that was all he could say before the autograph hunters hid him from view once again.
Gauri Khan cooled her heels outside the circle of fans, and was spotted walking ahead alone towards the entrance, waiting for her husband to catch up.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005 16:17 IST