Bollywood's 'desi girl' Priyanka Chopra is back in Los Angeles to work on the video of her debut international song "In my city" and says
she wants to add an Indian touch to it.
"Off to rehearsal! Let's show the world what Bollywood is made of! Let's do this desi style," tweeted the 30-year-old, who is riding high
on the response to her song, as well as to her acting in Anurag Basu's "Barfi!".
Her peppy song "In my city", featuring international singer, was launched earlier this month. Her entire album will release after
a few months.
Meanwhile, she is working hard on the video, and basking in the positive reviews to her portrayal of autistic girl Jhilmil in "Barfi!".
Friday, September 21, 2012 12:48 IST