Popular Tamil film actor and director, Kamal Hassan has again ruled out changing the English title of his forthcoming film, ''Mumbai Express'' following the warning by Tamil
Protection Movement (TPM) of PMK Founder-President Dr S Ramadoss and General Secretary of Dalit Panthers of India (DPI) Mr Thol Thirumalvalan that they would disrupt
the screening if it was not titled in Tamil.
Kamal, who addressed newspersons here last night and later released the trailer of the film, being made both in Tamil and Hindi, observed that when he entered the film
world, some people said that they did not understand his name and suggested that he should change it.
But he refused to change the name, which his father had chosen, he said, adding ''Sometimes I did think of changing it as it sounded North Indian.
He recalled the famous Tamil Scholar Gnanakuthan's remark, ''Tamil is my breath, but I will never breth it on others.'' He said he was also of the view that Tamil should not be
destroyed and dismissed the theory ''Tamil ini mela sakum'' (Tamil will die slowly). I am sure there would not be any danger to Tamil, he asserted.
He said he was also willing to undertake a ''Padayatra'' for promotion of Tamil. Kamal Hassan will never destroy Tamil, as it was not possible even for the British and Moghul
rulers, he averred.
He said he would not provoke Tamil enthusiasts needlessly. ''I make films only to entertgain people and not to trouble or embarrass others,'' Kamal said, criticising the stand
of the TPM leaders that titles of Tamil films should only be in Tamil, to protect the language.
Thursday, March 31, 2005 13:52 IST