Customs officials at Mumbai's international airport today intercepted actor Shah Rukh Khan while he was passing through the green
channel without his luggage.
Actor Shah Rukh Khan Khan was intercepted by Customs officials at the city's international airport today.
Khan, whose London-Mumbai flight landed at 11 am this morning, was passing through the green channel without his luggage.
When the officer on duty asked him if he possessed any luggage with him, Khan answered in the affirmative. The officer then told him to
clear the green channel with his luggage.
At the time of screening his baggage, one electric kettle worth Rs 5000 was found. Since this amount does not exceed the permissible
limit drawn by authorities, no duty charges were imposed.
"When the officer on duty asked Khan about his luggage, he said it is behind and so the officer asked him to clear the airport along with
his baggage," a customs official told this newspaper.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 13:35 IST