Ever since Rakesh Roshan decided to heed his advice for his forthcoming film, film distributor, actor and graphologist Niraj Mancchanda is being sought after by almost every
second producer, star and even distributor in the industry.
His appointment diary is packed with at least five consultations a day from people in the trade eager to tune into success with a new numerological equation. His recent
observations about the traits of the top six stars in the trade on the basis of their signatures had several people from the industry calling him up for his advice on their new
Recently, Niraj had the opportunity of working with distributor Hemant Tilak Shah, who decided to christen his new business, Vivek Movies, only after he had had a thorough
consultation session with Niraj. According to Niraj, like names of individuals, numerologically correct banner names also have a deep impact on the success story of a
particular banner in!
Niraj has an interesting prediction about some of the releases lined up for April and May. "They are likely to take the trade by surprise with the ones which are highly
anticipated taking a backlash at the box-office while some seemingly ordinary film may rake in big returns at the box-office," he says.
Niraj recommends that every person who is aspiring for success should first configure the spelling of his name and his signature to match the number that he represents.
"Why not make it work for you if you can help it," asks Niraj.
Thursday, March 31, 2005 15:02 IST