Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, who is associated with 'Because I am a Girl' campaign, believes that television has a wider audience than films and it can help spread social messages about saving the girl child more
"Television has a bigger audience than films. Especially in villages and small cities, women and children watch TV on a bigger scale," he said and added "one should try to find a solution" or a way to include the
message about "girl child into the script, which will act as an effective tool to spread the message".
Anil advocates doing such shows in an entertaining manner to spread the message effectively.
"If you do it in an entertaining way then more people will watch it... you know, people want entertainment because there is already a lot of stress," the 52-year-old said here Tuesday at the 'Because I am a Girl'
Giving the example of a few renowned Indian filmmakers who did so through their films, Anil said: "Big filmmakers like Bimal Roy saab, Raj Kapoor, Satyajit Ray - they made such great films and people watched them.
But somewhere there was a message and such films have a big influence. So, I would want filmmakers and TV show makers to make such films and shows."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 16:40 IST