Bollywood film director Vinod Pande today said his controversial film 'Sins' had not made any remarks against Catholic priests and he did not believe that it would hurt the
Christian community.
Asked at a press meet here if he was concerned that the film, which is based on a true life incident of the seventies about a Latin Catholic priest in Kerala murdering a
woman he loved, could hurt the Christian community, Pande said "I do not think so."
"The community is far more matured, they are educated and were responsible for many reforms," Pande, known for his films like 'Ek Baar Phir', 'Yeh Nazdeekiyan', 'Star', 'Ek
Naya Rishta' and 'Sach', told reporters.
Pande said he was "extremely hurt" that the Catholic Bishops Council of India (CBCI), the apex body of the Catholic church, had expressed apprehensions about the film,
saying it had showed "scant respect" to the community.
"I pride myself in respecting Christianity and all other religions. This is unfair. I have been extremly hurt," Pande said adding the film was not against catholic priests.
"I have never pointed fingers at any religious institution. I am an artist. My job is that of reflector like a mirror. I am reflecting at what is happening around me. Through my
mirror, I am trying to caution others. But when someone doubts my intentions, it hurts," he said.
He said his intention was not to take any stance or pontificate.The aim was to put on celluloid "the story of a victim of the weakness of the flesh," he said.
Pande said the story's main thrust is sexuality which unmade this "man of god" and was targeted at "more evolved minds."
Friday, April 01, 2005 15:18 IST