Actor Jackky Bhagnani says that director Sanjay Gadhvi used his invisible whip to extract performances from the cast of "Ajab Gazabb Love".
"Superb experience. He (Sanjay Gadhvi) is an experienced director. He knows how to make one work and he has made us work with his invisible whip, " the 27-year-old told reporters at an event here Monday.
"It's not easy to make new actors do comedy, drama and romance and the credit goes to Sanjay Gadhviji only, " he added.
The film has Kirron Kher and Jackky said: "Enjoyed a lot. She (Kirron) is a fabulous actor. What an amazing work she does, I enjoyed working with her. She is too good, superb sense of humour, superb timing,
amazing human being and I just had a blast working with her."
"Ajab Gazabb Love" also stars Darshan Jariwala and southern actress Nidhi Subbaiah and will release Oct 24.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:47 IST