Bollywood actor-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar is dismayed at the state of sanitation in the Indian Railways and says the conditions demand
immediate attention.
"Looking at the unhygienic state of our railway lines, it needs more attention from the Sanitation Ministry (Ministry of Drinking Water and
Sanitation) than the Railways. It's a prime environment for mosquitoes to breed and it stretches across the length and breadth of the
country, " tweeted Farhan.
His comment comes at a time when thousands of people in the country are afflicted with dengue. Veteran filmmaker Yash Chopra also
recently died of dengue.
"The fact that, even in 2012, waste from train toilets falls directly onto the tracks is shameful! No reason this should continue, " added the
Farhan is the son of famed lyricist-writer Javed Akhtar, who is also a Rajya Sabha member.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 13:49 IST