Akshay Kumar, back in his Khiladi avatar after a decade, has taken the onus to cross borders to reach out to his fans beyond India. The team of Khiladi 786 has invited the media of Pakistan for a Press Conference in
the month of November.
Keeping in mind the fan following of Khiladi in our neighboring country, the team of Khiladi 786 has organized a Live Video Press Conference where the Khiladi will interact with the Pakistan media, LIVE from Mumbai.
The Pakistan media will be hosted at The Royal Palm Golf & Country Club in Lahore where the live Press Conference will be set up on the 4th of November at 2:30 pm.
Eros has released a video with Akshay Kumar inviting the Pakistan media to the conference. This is indeed an innovative way to reach out to the cross border fans. In fact, this is the first time such a LIVE Press
Conference is being organized for a film. Kudos for the idea!
Friday, November 02, 2012 13:36 IST