Shahid Kapoor is a huge fan of Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni and tags him as an "icon".
"I am a huge Dhoni fan. I think what he's done for the team is phenomenal. He won the World Cup for us, he's a huge icon. I think he's
absolutely fantastic, " he said while sharing his views on India's Prime Icon show on Big CBS Prime.
Dhoni is among the top 20 contenders on the show competing for the title of India's Prime Icon.
Remembering the euphoria after the final World Cup match, Shahid said: "I was there at the finals when India was playing and I got lost.
Because when we all came out after the match got over, it felt like we'd just gotten independence or something because the roads were
just blocked, my car couldn't reach me, my security was on the other side and I was just standing alone."
Thursday, November 08, 2012 12:10 IST