Kaka's ladylove has filed a domestic violence case against Dimple Kapadia, actor Akshay Kumar, Twinkle Khanna, Rinki Khanna and her husband at Bandra court.
A metropolitan court in Mumbai has ordered notices be issued to late Bollywood legend Rajesh Khanna's family members on a complaint filed by a woman claiming to be his live-in partner seeking maintenance on the
ground that she had looked after the actor as a wife would have done.
In her petition, Anita Advani has accused Khanna's family of having evicted her from his bungalow, thereby attracting provisions of the Domestic Violence Act.
Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate had on Wednesday ordered notices be served on the actor's wife Dimple Kapadia, son-in-law and actor Akshay Kumar and daughters Twinkle Kumar and Rinki Saran.
"The notices were hand delivered to us today and we shall serve them on Khanna's family tomorrow through a bailiff. The matter is posted for hearing on interim reliefs on November 27," her lawyer Manohar Shetty
Advani has prayed that she be granted protection under the Domestic Violence Act, allowed access to 'Ashirwad', the actor's bungalow in Bandra where she claimed to have lived with Khanna since 2003.
Friday, November 09, 2012 14:23 IST