While Shah Rukh Khan's annual Diwali party has this year been cancelled due to Yash Chopra'a demise the rest of Bollywood seems all
geared up for a whopping time on Tuesday night.
While many prominent Bollywood stars and filmmakers will host Diwali parties this year all roads on Tuesday night in Bollywood would
lead to Aamir Khan's Diwali bash at his Bandra residence and to Akshay Kumar's bash at his Andheri residence.
For both Aamir and Akshay this Diwali is very special. It's their first Diwali after the birth of a baby in their home. While Aamir's son Azad
was born on December 1, 2011, Akshay 'ghar ki laxmi' Nitara arrived September 25, 2012.
Says a source close to Akshay, `Akshay is very excited since it's his daughter's first Diwali. Though his son Aarav loves firecrackers the
boy has decided not to indulge in any fireworks for his baby-sister's sake. However Akshay can barely contain his excitement. In Punjabi
homes the arrival of a daughter is like Goddess Laxmi's arrival
. Aamir has apparently invited the entire film fraternity barring of course Shah Rukh Khan. But the other Khan superstar Salman is
expected to be at Aamir's bash. `
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 14:00 IST