Malayalam superstar Mammootty Thursday officially launched his page on social networking website Facebook. He is looking forward to
connect with his fans across the world.
The 61-year-old sent out a personal video message to his Facebook friends.
"I think this is a great platform for me to connect with each one of you directly. I will update from time to time about my movies, and my
social and charitable causes, and some candid pictures, " Mammootty said in the video message.
His Facebook page will be a platform for his fans to be a part of his life and get exclusive sneak peeks into his latest movies, shoots and
also engage with him on a personal basis.
"I am excited to be able to now connect with my fans in India and globally through Facebook. Through this platform, I will get constant
feedbacks and comments from fans as well as critics, helping me create and recreate better entertaining experience, " the National
award-winning actor said in a statement.
Friday, November 16, 2012 12:11 IST