Bhojpuri actor Dinesh Yadav, who was the first contestant to be evicted from "Bigg Boss 6", is re-entering the reality show. He hopes to
overcome his weaknesses during his second stint.
"I am excited to go back into the house again. It is a great platform where you can learn so many new things. I have certainly learnt a lot
in the show, " Dinesh told.
Dinesh, also popularly known as Nirahua, kept a low profile and didn't mingle with other inmates during his earlier stay in the house.
However, he hopes to overcome that this time.
"I realised I have lot of weaknesses and I hope to get over them this time. I couldn't mix well with others initially and when I started, I was
voted out. This time I'll ensure I gel well and talk to others, " he said.
"Also it will be easier for me to adjust in the house this time as everybody who is inside, they know me now, which was not the case
earlier, " he added.
Asked if he is going back to the house with some strategy in mind, Dinesh said: "I am not going inside with any plans or strategies as I
just want to entertain people. Everything depends upon the circumstances at that time."
"The circumstances in 'Bigg Boss' house is similar to the ones we face in day-to-day life, so one can never plan, " he added.
So does Dinesh hope to win the show this time?
"I can't say anything about that. Every human being has a different mindset. Anybody can win. My sole aim is to entertain people and if
they are happy, I am also happy, " said Dinesh.
Monday, November 19, 2012 12:50 IST