Bollywood star Aamir Khan recently shot a special episode of TV show "C.I.D." to promote his forthcoming film "Talaash". Shivaji Satam,
who plays ACP Pradyuman in the crime thriller show, says Aamir is a no-hassle actor.
"He is a professional and has no ego hassles, no tantrums. He is just like us. He follows the given lines and listens to the director, "
Shivaji said during the shoot of the episode.
"Aamir is very cooperative. We didn't feel like we were working with a superstar, " added Shivaji.
Aamir joined the cast of the long-running show as it served like a perfect integration to spread a buzz about "Talaash", which is a
suspense thriller, releasing Nov 30.
Directed by Reema Kagti, "Talaash" also features Rani Mukerji and Kareena Kapoor.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 12:07 IST