Kareena Kapoor recently got married to Saif Ali Khan last month, And now elder sister Karisma Kapoor's divorce has been on the edge. A
lot of buzz about this issue is circulating in news nowadays and sources claim that finally, the two are on the point of a divorce, and talks
over custody of children.
The couple have chosen to remain quiet about the matter. Right after a few years of Karisma Kapoor's marriage to the Delhi-based
businessman Sunjay Kapoor, The problem had started surfacing. The two had also separated after the birth of their first child in 2005.
They again got back together in 2010 and Karisma gave birth to their second child in 2010.
There is also a very strong buzz in the Media, Sunjay Kapoor, apparently has been dating Delhi-based entrepreneur Priya Chatwal. And
Karisma Kapoor after Dangerous Ishqq, Her comeback film which flopped miserably at the Box Office, is getting very keen on doing more
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 14:38 IST