Oscar-winning filmmaker Ang Lee's "Life Of Pi" has garnered an opening collection of Rs.3.5 crore in India.
The movie, released Friday, in 2D and 3D format opened in the country in four languages - English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
The film, touted as a visual masterpiece, released alongside the much-awaited, last instalment of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part
"Life Of Pi" narrates the tale of a boy who is adrift at sea in a lifeboat with a Royal Bengal tiger after his family is drowned in a shipwreck. It
features Indian talent, including debutant Suraj Sharma, and critically-acclaimed actors Tabu and Irrfan.
The movie was captured in the hillside town of Munnar along with the elegance of Pondicherry - all on 3D.
"Life Of Pi" is based on Yann Martel's novel of the same book.
Monday, November 26, 2012 12:25 IST