Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma showcased a 15-minute sequence of his forthcoming film "The Attacks of 26/11" and "Kahaani" director
Sujoy Ghosh raves about it.
"That first seven minutes of the new Ram Gopal Varma film had me glued to the screen," tweeted Ghosh.
"The Attacks of 26/11" is based on the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks and its trailer was showcased Friday. Varma intends to release it in
early next year both in Indian and international markets.
The trailer was screened just two days after Pakistani Ajmal Amir Kasab, the sole Pakistani terrorist who was caught alive in Mumbai, was
hanged in a Pune jail.
Varma has made the film with new actors.
Monday, November 26, 2012 13:30 IST