Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, who is known for releasing his much-awaited films during the holiday season, is betting on a work-day Friday for the opening of his upcoming thriller "Talaash".
"Talaash", also starring Kareena Kapoor and Rani Mukherjee, is Khan's huge release after "3 Idiots" in 2009 and wife Kiran Rao's directorial debut "Dhobi Ghat" last year. After his last three hits - "3 Idiots", "Ghajini"
and "Taare Zameen Par" - released on Christmas, "Talaash" will get a work-day release (November 30) across 2400 screens in India.
Talaash is the most anticipated film of the season. Trade is very excited as it is very strong for non holiday Friday," a spokesperson said.
The film is being made at a modest budget of Rs 40 crores and has
already recovered all its revenues from its satellite sales of the same amount, which is one of the highest ever. Even the 47-year-old actor is leaving no stone unturned for the promotion of the film. He was recently seen
on TV series 'CID' and also made other appearances for the film.
Thursday, November 29, 2012 14:10 IST