Malayalam superstar Mohanlal has opened a Rs.50 million state-of-the-art post-production film studio, the first privately owned centre of its kind in the state.
Vismaya's Max, inaugurated by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, is situated in the Kinfra Film and Video Park on the outskirts of the state capital.
"Finally it has come through and I am certainly elated. Shortly the DTS/Dolby facility will also be commissioned, making this the first such post-production state-of-the- art
studio in Kerala's private sector," tells Mohanlal.
He appreciated the manner in which the government had supported his "dream project".
"We had a problem with getting qualified hands to work in the studio. Now that hurdle too has been passed and in a week's time all the equipment would be ready and work
would start".
Till now all post-production work had to be done in Chennai.
"There is tremendous potential for this Film Park to become the film headquarters in Kerala. My next film project is in June and it could be the first work in the studio," said
This venture by Mohanlal is the latest for the actor who has diversified into food, hotel, tourism and animation fields. Plans are meanwhile on to start a chain of schools in the
Friday, April 15, 2005 12:45 IST