Film-maker Shekhar Kapur and Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman have launched their social media platform Qyuki. It will help uncover the creative potential of Indian people in the genres of animation, films, short
stories, music and photography.
The platform will use the crowd-sourcing formula to develop a story, animation or even create and distribute music.
"With Qyuki, we are creating a platform where it doesn't matter where you come from, but what matters most in your creativity. It is a domain, where people can collaborate with like-minded people and showcase their
creativity. Through this we will see new 'Shekhar Kapurs' and 'A.R. Rahmans' coming out of it," Kapur said during a video conference here Wednesday.
Rahman, co-founder of Qyuki, also agrees that the platform will emerge as a strong medium that will help the Indian youth to follow their creative instincts.
"There are platforms like YouTube where people create content and put it online, but what determines the quality? Qyuki is getting there. It will not only provide creative freedom, but also quality experience," said
The social media platform has roped in experts from several creative fields like filmmaking, music, novel writing and photography. Among these are Imtiaz Ali, Chetan Bhagat, Ranjit Barot and Suresh Natarajan, who will
provide creative ideas to artists and also collaborate with them in creating new content.
On the website's homepage, there is a section called Qyuki Premiere, which showcases creations developed by the website team. The site has short video previews of two creations by Kapur - "War Lord" and
"Moments In Motion" - and Rahman's musical creation "Melange", which has an Indian rendition mixed with Western classics.
Thursday, December 06, 2012 11:51 IST