Narmada Ahuja, Daughter of Govinda was always the talk of Bollywood for a Proper Debut. Some sources also said that Govinda desperately wanted her daughter to debut opposite Superstar Salman Khan. But our Sallu knows to aim proper shots.
Recently Govinda unveiled Bright Awards and said "Whenever anything is announced, I will let you know, we should not talk about it now. It is not like she has not been offered any films. In fact, she has refused 20-22 films. In our days, We used to grab any opportunity we got. But she is waiting for what she wants and once she does I will let you know. "
Somehow Govinda the (Once) star and a Father also tried and changed the Topic by talking about the Bright Awards "I feel respect is good, be it in the form of awards or rewards. Sometimes you are famous, sometimes you earn more. Whichever way you get it, it is good and to keep getting respect is important. Whatever you get, accept it. "
All we can hope is daughter Narmada sees a proper debut like Sonakshi Sinha and make papa Govinda feel proud for her.
Monday, December 10, 2012 14:32 IST