Zee Telefilms said on Wednesday that it will unveil its 2D animation film Bhagmati - Queen of Fortunes in June this year. It plans a global release and targeting international
markets like France, Russia and the United Kingdom.
The film has animated characters along with the lead pair of Tabu and Milind Soman and the Zee Institute of Creative Arts (ZICA) studio has taken care of the animation
"Bhagmati has been a completely new endeavour. This is the first time in India something like this has been attempted at. The film has over seven million hand-drawn
frames and this process took some time to complete," Essel Group Vice President (Corporate Brand Development) Ashish Kaul said.
Kaul, who has also been entrusted with the responsibility of marketing and distributing the film, said the stress would be on the novelty of the movie and the campaigning
would be a simple one.
"Zee is planning to use a mix of outdoors and other media to create the buzz. The Zee Network channels will also play a role in the promotional communication," he
Kaul said overseas territories are important since they are huge territories as far as film business is concerned.
"As we are stressing on the heritage of India in the film, we expect it to have a good run in these places. Also, the film will give an idea to the international audiences about
what India can do in the field of animation films," he says.
Apart from Tabu and Soman, Hema Malini will be seen doing a classical dance in the film. The film is about two-hour 40-minute long with half in animation.
Vishal Bhardwaj has composed the music for the film, which has six songs by renowned writers and music composers like Bashir Badr, Abbas Tyrewala, Nida Fazli,
Ravindra Jain and Ashok Kaul. Asha Bhonsle, Sadna Sargam, Suresh Wadekar, Roop Kumar Rathod have sung the compositions of these masters.
Friday, April 15, 2005 13:30 IST