Despite a drop in collections of "Lucky-No Time For Love", directors Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru are convinced the film will prove to be a winner.
"The information we have is that after the strong initial response it dropped marginally and has settled down to fairly good collections at most places. We have no reason to
feel disappointed. Moreover both Salman and Sohail have liked the film," says Radhika Rao.
The buzz is that Rao and Sapru are working on another script for Sohail Khan Productions.
"We are game for anything to do with Sohail Khan Productions. They are more like friends," Rao reveals.
The two, better known as video directors, say they do not want to do music videos again.
"We did enjoy that phase at one point of time, but there is no way we are planning to do it again. We have stopped entertaining offers for music videos," Rao says.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 13:20 IST