Reality show contestant and dancer Dharmesh, who makes his acting debut with "ABCD: AnyBody Can Dance", says he had a habit of
imitating a lot of actors in his bathroom and that is something that helped him face the camera.
"I wasn't exactly interested in acting. I liked to do something unique, like following Paresh Rawal or copying Salman (Khan) bhai's unique
dance style and how he moves, his dialogue delivery. So, I have copied all these things and I practiced all this in the bathroom, " Dharmesh
said in an interview.
"I did all this in fun and it has helped me. My real life is quite similar to my character's in the film. My bathroom practice helped me a lot while
acting, " he added.
Talking about his character in the film, Dharmesh said, "I play a Muslim character Dildaar, who has a tapori group in the slum, he does
nothing, except stealing, eve-teasing and all."
"One thing that our group can do is dance but that too the Ganpati-style dance, no sync. So, this is my character who has a 'D' gang, " he
Directed by Remo D'Souza, "ABCD: Any Body Can Dance" also features Kay Kay Menon, Prabhudheva and Ganesh Acharya. The film hits
theatres Feb 8.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:16 IST