Actor Rahul Bose said Wednesday that he does not think there is anything objectionable in Kamal Haasan film "Viswaroopam" for it to be
"I don't think there was anything objectionable in 'Viswaroopam' for it to be banned, " Bose said.
On a day an emotional Haasan said he would leave India if the ban in Tamil Nadu on his film was not lifted, Bose suggested the government
watch every controversial film before taking any decision on them.
"The government must watch each controversial film. If they find it unconstitutional, they must prosecute it and if found otherwise, they must
protect it, " he told mediapersons on the sidelines of the Kolkata Literary Meet.
The lavishly mounted film, which stars Haasan and is written, produced and directed by him, was banned by the Tamil Nadu government after
some Muslim groups complained that it portrayed their community in poor light.
The Rs.95 crore multi-lingual espionage thriller was to release Jan 25 in Tamil Nadu but saw the light of the day only in a few places in
Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
It was banned in these places too after the first show. As the protests became vocal, it was also banned in Malaysia and Sri Lanka after a
two-day run. However, it is being screened in the other southern states.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:18 IST