Jackky Bhagnani took part in football games while shooting in Worli Village
Jackky Bhagnani loves to play sports to keep fit. While shooting at Worli Village over a span of 40 days, Jackky took up playing football with
locals to be in top form.
A source says, `The actor gathered some locals and played soccer. And since the streets there were too narrow for traffic, his game was
never disturbed.` Due to the narrow lanes, the actor initially had to be driven on a two-wheeler to reach the location. But apparently he
enjoyed the ride so much that he started driving himself after that.
The source adds, `He even taught them some sexy dance moves.` And in return the local residents brought homemade food on the sets. But
Jackky apparently could not dig in as he was on a strict diet.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 11:49 IST