The ruling Samajwadi Party Thursday said it won't let 'Vishwaroop' - the Hindi version of the Kamal Haasan movie - to release in Uttar Pradesh until it ceased to be controversial.
"We will not allow the film to be released until there is a final decision on it in the courts and the controversy around it settles down," party general secretary Ram Asrey Kushwaha said.
He said the authorities would first watch the film and only then would the government consider its release in the state.
In December, Kamal Haasan was in Lucknow to promote his film and met Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.
The original 'Vishwaroopam' in Tamil was banned for 15 days in Tamil Nadu following threatened protests by Muslim groups who said the film maligned their community.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 17:21 IST