Actor Akshay Kumar, along with the rest of the cast of "Special Chabbis", will visit the actual spot of crime, which has inspired the heist drama.
The film is based on a jewellery heist in Mumbai in 1983, where conmen posing as CBI officials robbed Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri (TBZ) store in
Zaveri Bazaar, worth crores of rupees.
In broad daylight, 26 men, along with mastermind Ajay Singh (played by Akshay in the film) raided the store and walked away with all cash and
"TBZ heist is one of the most documented cases in Mumbai. For days, the media kept following and reporting on the smartness of one man called
Ajay Singh. Yes, we plan to 're-visit' the store in the coming week," Pandey said in a statement.
Akshay and his "Special Chabbis" team will visit the store Thursday.
Tuesday, February 05, 2013 12:32 IST