The actor will make a red carpet appearance at the festival in support of Danis Tanovic's new film
Looks like they are already working as a team. After signing a Hollywood film with Danis Tanovic (of No Man's Land), the actor will now walk the red
carpet for the director at the Berlin Film Festival.
A source says, `Emraan will make a red carpet appearance to express his support for the producers of his film Cedomir Kolar and Marx, Prashita
Chaudhary and Guneet Monga. `
Says Monga, `We are one big family out th
ere to cheer Danis for his film. I am glad to be producing his next project. `
Danis's film The Life of an Iron Picker is competing at the festival.
Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:47 IST