Real-life incident of a teenager performing C-section surgery inspired director Subhash Kapoor's next
They say cinema mirrors reality. A look at the rushes of Subhash Kapoor's upcoming film reminds us of a real-life incident from not so long ago. The
director found the episode funny and decided to get inspired.
The trailer of Jolly LLB shows Arshad Warsi defending a 14-year-old boy caught in a major controversy, similar to the one that rocked the country in
A source says, `An incident that took place in Chennai where a doctor couple let their teenaged son perform a C-section surgery on a pregnant
woman crossed Kapoor's mind. The father then called a press conference and introduced his son to the media in the hope that he would make it to
The Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest guy to perform a C-section.`
Kapoor says, `Yes, it is true that I was inspired. I found it extremely funny when I came across the news report. When I read about this news in
2008, I found it to be extremely funny. In the opening sequence of our film, we introduce Arshad (as Jolly), a lawyer defending a boy in the court of
law. It is part of a fun sequence.`
Monday, February 11, 2013 12:57 IST