This Valentine's Day promises to be the best day of the year for fans of actor Poonam Pandey. The bindaas Mumbai gal, who is making her
Bollywood debut with Nasha, has decided to spread the Nasha to all her fans.
Ahead of Valentine's Day, the day of love across the planet, Poonam has launched a contest through her twitter handle @ipoonampandey under
the hashtag #grabNASHAbikini The best tweet under this hashtag will be rewarded the chance of a lifetime - to possess the bikini suit worn by
Poonam Pandey in her debut film Nasha. Not to forget, that most of the steamy scenes in Nasha were shot in this bikini.
Poonam Pandey said, "I love my fans very much and I wanted to make this Valentine's Day special for them."
"One lucky winner will have the bikini suit that I wore in the film, Nasha, as a gift of love from me," added Poonam.
So for all those die hard fans of Poonam Pandey, here is the chance of a lifetime to grab a piece of stardom.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:50 IST