Bollywood actor Vijay Raaz has turned to the small screen to play sutradhar (narrator) in the new show "Badalte Rishton Ki Dastaan". He enjoyed
the experience.
"Badalte Rishton Ki Dastaan" is about two strong women, who will unite to fight a highly exploitative and extremely rigid patriarchal system. It is
slated to go on air on Zee TV next month.
"I had an amazing time shooting for the promos of the show. The teaser campaign is very interesting and is very different from what one usually
sees on television," Raaz, known for his roles in films like "Monsoon Wedding", "Run", and "Yuva", said in a statement.
"The concept of the show is very captivating and I hope, I am able to build the required intrigue amongst the viewers through the promos," he
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:35 IST