Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty on Wednesday said her son Viaan, who fell sick and was admitted to a hospital, is 'getting better' and will return home soon.
"Thaaankkuu soooo much tweetos fr al the concern,love n prayers..they always work! @ViaanRajKundra is getting better and we shd be home soon," Shetty tweeted.
"Been in the hospital since sunday evenin,my son Viaan hs been very ill. He's better now. A distressing time fr us all. The worst is over:)" she tweeted on Tuesday.
"Had to skip # Nach Baliye shoot 2day (Tuesday) ,jus culdnt do it! Grateful 2 Star plus fr understanding my predicament.Thank u all fr ure good wishes," Shetty said.
Shetty married businessman Raj Kundra in 2009.
Viaan was born in May last year.
Thursday, February 14, 2013 13:11 IST