Not only Aam Janta, But Celebrities too get excited for Valentine's Day. Recently actor Vivek Oberoi who looked all charged up while promoting his New Valentine Day release 'Jayantabhai Ki Luv Story' revealed some
of his romantic secrets.
"I am more romantic than Priyanka. I love surprising her with new things like a love note on the mirror when she wakes up, or a simple candle light dinner on our rooftop. She is the more practical one. But the
confidence she gives me by just being there and holding my hand is amazing.
The birth of my son has added a new magic to our relationship. We shared lovely moments like going for a three-week Baby-
moon to Bali when Priyanka was six months pregnant." said the actor about his wife Priyanka.
Vivek is recently blessed with a Baby Boy and he misses being there with the new little family member. The actor adds with a smile "I can do anything to spend a few hours with him. Even if it means flying across
cities for a day."
Thursday, February 14, 2013 13:15 IST