Actor Poonam Pandey has created a trend of trending on the top list on social networking site Twitter. One tweets from the super sensuous
actor and the Timelines are flooded with reactions, retweets and counter comments.
Yet again, Poonam has managed to scale the trend
list with her new hashtag #ifigetpoonampandeysbikini. The new tag has got over 7 lakh tweets in less than 20 hours.
One can only say that Poonam Pandey has the midas touch when it comes to tweeting. She launched a Valentine's Day contest where a lucky
winner would be awarded the bikini set that Poonam wore in her debut movie Nasha. Ever since the contest was announced the timeline has
been flooded with reactions and tweets. So much so that it threatens to crash the server.
That is the magic of Poonam Pandey, and its only the beginning of the year. Watch out for more exciting actions from the leggy lass.
Monday, February 18, 2013 16:20 IST