Actress Alia Bhatt, who made her Bollywood debut with a fun-loving, youth-oriented film like "Student Of The Year", is game to feature in a horror film. In fact, she says she would love to be a part of the "Murder" or "Raaz" franchise in future.
"In these thrillers and scary movies, it is very difficult to portray (the role), to always look scared... and you know, (be) in that tense zone. So, I would love to do a film (like that). If 'Murder 4' or 'Raaz 4' happen, I would love to do it," the 19-year-old said here Monday at a special screening of "Murder 3".
Alia says she is proud of her cousin Vishesh, who has made his debut as a director with "Murder 3", which released Feb 15.
"I saw it with the audience and I loved it. I think the 'Murder' franchise has gone a step ahead with this film. I feel very proud as a sister. Vishesh has taken such a beautiful story and made it so interesting and gripping," Alia said.
Meanwhile, Alia has started shooting for "2 States" opposite Arjun Kapoor.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 15:08 IST