The versatile Actor's recent released Special 26 was declared a Super hit all over. And now Anupam Kher's Hollywood Film "Silver Linings Playbook" comes to India. The film is directed by David O.Russell who had
earlier directed critically acclaimed "Three Kings".
Kher shares screen-space with Hollywood's Top-Notch actors such as Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper and Chris Tucker in this Film.
Speaking about how he got this Major Role, Kher said "I am thankful to God that he allowed me such an opportunity. I Auditioned three times for this film. One was in Rajasthan and the other two were in Toronto.
And finally David O Russell was satisfied and it happened with such an amazing cast. And that is not decided by me, It was decided by God."
Silver Linings Playbook has been nominated for 8 categories in the Academy Awards.
Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:54 IST