Filmmaker Anand Kumar, who is looking forward to the release of his new film "Zila Ghaziabad", is already working on his next project titled "Meerut Junction" and is keen to cast Abhishek Bachchan in the lead.
"I am almost ready with the script of my next film 'Meerut Junction'. It is a very rural film and I want to cast Abhishek Bachchan in it. We are constantly in touch with him and even he has liked the script. If things fall in
place, we will start rolling soon," Kumar told.
The director feels Abhishek is one of the few actors, who would look perfect in the role.
"Abhishek is a wonderful actor and the role in 'Meerut Junction' is a very rustic one, which we haven't seen him playing. The character in the film would be similar to the role that Amitabh Bachchan played in 'Kaalia'. So
it would be apt to cast Abhishek in the film," Kumar said.
"Besides, Abhishek is a very urban and modern guy it would be fun to see him in a rustic look," he added.
Thursday, February 21, 2013 15:59 IST