Jackky Bhagnani, the lead actor of the upcoming film Rangrezz which is based on friendship will make a guest appearance on the hit Comedy TV
show Nautanki which airs on Colors.
Nautanki-The Comedy Theatre is a comedy show which features comedy-plays apart from entertaining gags and stories. Jackky Bhagnani will be
making a special appearance on this laugh riot show. This episode is set to air on Sunday 8pm on Colors.
Pooja Entertainment, the production house behind Rangrezz, is the first one to make use of Vine, a mobile service that lets you capture and share
short looping videos. The movie is based on friendship and is a remake of the Tamil hit 'Naadodigal'. The movie hits theatres on 21st March 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013 13:20 IST