South Indian actress Kussum Arora was shocked with the News circulating in the Press and Trade about she making her Bollywood debut with the much talked about 'Gulaab Gang' that also has veteran Madhuri Dixit
and Juhi Chawla in the leads. However the actress says she shot for the film for five days and walked out of the project due to her ill-health.
"I agree that i shot for few days for Gulaab Gang but i was unaware of my role. The director Soumik Sen is a very sweet person, But the production people refused to provide me the script.
I was told it was
an important role but later i realized that this is a very tiny part which could have done by any actress who is not that known. Moreover, I was not keeping well and i also requested the Director and the Production Team
to replace me." said Kussum Arora.
Insider's also claimed Kussum Arora was told this role to be an Important Role in the film. But, When the actress requested for the script, She was asked to keep quiet
and continue shooting. When questioned Kussum about this whole episode, The actress denied any such incident.
The director Soumik Sen, When contacted said "Kussum Arora fell unwell after two days of the shoot. Her mother called me to inform the same. We had to seek a last minute replacement and cast someone else."
Gulaab Gang is a film which almost took 2 years in it's making. The film marks Madhuri Dixit's second come-back to Bollywood. Recently, A major tabloid published the news about veteran actress Juhi Chawla walking
out of Gulaab Gang due to her Payment Issues.
We hope all goes well for the entire team of Gulaab Gang and the film get's completed real fast.
Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:44 IST