Filmmaker Rajkumar Gupta will soon shoot a music video for "Ghanchakkar" with Emraan Haashmi and Vidya Balan, which will be used as a promotional video for the movie
Gupta, writer-director of "Ghanchakkar", told: "Yes, it is true that for the first time in my career, I will be shooting a music video for any of my films."
"'Ghanchakkar' is a quirky comedy and the music video featuring Emraan and Vidya will have it's own quirky twist to it," added the director who earlier wielded the megaphone for "Aamir" and "No One Killed
The video will be shot by the end of the month.
"Ghanchakkar" is slated for a June 21 release.
Thursday, March 07, 2013 13:02 IST