Actor Ram Kapoor, who is playing the role of a strict father in "Mere Dad Ki Maruti" (MDKM), says his character reminds him of his real-life
MDKM, releasing under Y-Films banner, will see Ram playing father to actor Saqib Saleem. Ram said he went through deja vu while shooting this
In the film, Saqib steals his father's car to impress a girl, and in the process, he loses the car. Ram says the scene reminded him of his younger
"My dad's first car was a Maruti. I actually stole the car once and had an accident. It was just after a few months it had come. The movie has
actually brought back my teenage memories, " Ram said in a statement.
"Mere Dad Ki Maruti" will release March 15.
Monday, March 11, 2013 13:49 IST