Actor Anil Kapoor, who has produced quite a few films, says he stays true to the script given by the writer and never tries to change or meddle with it.
"You have to be true to the script. When I made 'Gandhi My Father', I was true to the script. I didn't think it is commercial or not. Whether it is a commercial film, a mainstream film or a good script, you just have to be
convinced," the 53-year-old said here Sunday at the Screenwriters Lab press conference.
"I am one of those producers who when he likes a script, leaves it to the director, who makes the story. I really don't interfere in the film," he added.
Anil turned producer with "Badhaai Ho Badhaai" in 2002 and later produced films like "My Wife's Murder", "Aisha" and "No Problem" besides "Gandhi My Father".
The Screenwriters' Lab 2013 is an initiative by Mumbai Mantra, the media and entertainment division of the Mahindra Group, and Sundance Institute. The workshop gives chance to independent screenwriters to develop
their skill under the guidance of film experts from across the globe.
Anil believes that actors are in need of good scriptwriters to further their career.
"The time has come when the scriptwriters will overshadow the actors because actors also need the scripts. In fact, that's the first thing they want," he said.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 13:44 IST