Jackky Bhagnani, the lead actor of the upcoming film Rangrezz sets the stage on fire in the current season of Nach Baliye. After taking news
headlines by storm with his rendition of Gangnam Style it will be curious to know what he has in store as his dance performance on the Nach
Balie stage.
Nach Baliye in its fifth season sees Shilpa Shetty, Sajid Khan and Terence Lewis take control of the judges panel while the celebrity jodis vie
and woo both the judges and the tv audience with delightful performances to be crowned this season's winners. Watch out for the episode
featuring Jackky Bhagnani because you don't want to miss his dance.
Pooja Entertainment is the production house behind Rangrezz. The movie is based on friendship and is a remake of the Tamil hit 'Naadodigal'.
The movie hits theatres on 21st March 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013 12:17 IST