Balaji's TV series, EK THHI NAAYKA (currently playing on LIFE OK Channel), is getting exciting by the minute. Designed to promote the forthcoming film EK THI DAAYAN, it is bringing eight television icons under one roof for the first time - Smriti Malhotra Irani, Sakshi Tanwar,Aamna Sharif, Shweta Tiwari, Mouli Ganguly, Ankita Lokhande, Kritika Kamra and Pooja Gor.
It is believed that Ekta Kapoor will also make a brief appearance in one of the 16 episodes.
Nervous ahead of making her acting debut, Ekta laughs, `Don't expect me to act because I am a very bad actress. I did it first for Ragini MMS years back. For Ek Thi Daayan, you might just see a blink-and-miss cameo of me standing behind a tree in Ek Thhi Naayka. I don't mind playing a tree!"
Thursday, March 14, 2013 14:36 IST