Former Miss India and Bollywood actress Gul Panag, who Thursday walked for designer Urvashi Kaur at the ongoing Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) says that walking the ramp is something that she has
never wanted to do.
The five-day fashion extravaganza started here Wednesday.
"It was bit of unnerving to walk with big supermodels but thanks to music that helped me in soothing my nerves. I feel, modelling requires lot of things and for me, it was little difficult as I never walked the ramp during
my Miss India days," Gul, dressed in maroon gown, told.
Kaur showcased a collection titled "Fez" that comprises of tunics with asymmetrical folds and hemlines, angarkha inspired djellabas, long draped dresses, peplum, vests and wrap jackets.
"It is an extension of my summer line. It's called Fez. It is one of the most beautiful cities and it is one of the oldest cities of the world," Kaur told.
"I have used lot of breathable organic fabric and use of metals, accessories on the garments added the glamour in the line I wanted to show the strength of women through my collection," Kaur said.
Talking about choosing Gul as showstopper, the designer said that "she epitomizes the true Indian beauty".
"She epitomizes the women of today. She is very intelligent, adventurous, globe trotter and moreover she is beautiful inside out," said Kaur.
Friday, March 15, 2013 12:44 IST