Though happy that his Telugu revenge-drama "Eega" pocketed two National Awards Monday, Telugu filmmaker S.S Rajamouli was hoping Kannada star Kichcha Sudeep, who played the antagonist in the film, would win an award as well.
"Well, we were expecting for visual FX for sure and I was also expecting an award for Sudeep. I feel happy for my team and Makuta VFX who really crossed barriers, particularly in animation, to get the amazing result," Rajamouli told.
"Eega" was a story about how a young man, who is reborn as a housefly, takes revenge on his killer. It also featured Nani and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
The film won Nation Awards for "Best Special Effects" and "Best Regional Film" in Telugu.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:28 IST